I've thoroughly enjoyed your time in Chicago. We (as the collective of players and fans) have experienced the best of times and times that were probably best forgotten. Yet, your calm, cool and grace always poked through. There are too many highlights that I will remember from your time here to start listing them all. I'm sad to see you go, but I can understand your decision. And I thought St. Louis was the only team that could wrangle you away from the White Sox! I'll still collect your cards and I will follow your career with great interest. I, and the rest of Chicago, will sure miss you. We will never forget you.
~ Steve Gierman
White Sox Cards
I feel like I have seen this movie before....
How many years do you think it will take the Marlins to start selling off the pieces of this spending spree?
I was thinking the same thing.
Well said. I really liked him and hated to see him go, but such is the business.
And I'm guessing next year they start selling off. They are pulling a Yankees and trying to buy a quick one.
Nothing really to add to this post, but just wanted to say I look forward to bb season to see what WSC will do this season! Happy holidays to all.
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