Monday, February 11, 2019

1902-11 Sporting Life Cabinets (W600)

Issued between 1902 and 1911, these Sporting Life Cabinets encompass a wide array of players that either have no other known cards or very few cards during this period. Some cards are the only known version of a player on a particular team, such as Clark Griffith (misspelled Clarke on his card) on the White Sox. The cabinets measure 5 inches by 7 1/2 inches. They were available for purchase from the Sporting Life Newspaper in Philadelphia.

Player photos range from suit and tie to uniform dress. All examples I have run across feature a portrait photograph. With some cards being issued in 1902, these are the earliest known examples of Chicago White Sox cards. I am not counting 19th century White Sox cards, because that team became the current Chicago Cubs.

These are tastefully done and are a nice alternative to the affluence of tobacco cards in this era. For several of the years covered in this release, this is the only set listed in the card catalog.

The White Sox have thirty-three cards in this set.

6 - Nick Altrock (issued 1903)
42 - Russell Blackburne (issued 1910)
58 - James J. Callahan (issued 1903)
102a - Thomas Daly (issued 1902)
103 - George Davis (issued 1902)
116 - J. 'Jiggs' Donahue (issued 1903)
124c - Patrick Dougherty (issued 1906)
134 - August Dundon (issued 1904)
154a - Patrick Flaherty (issued 1903)
178 - Daniel Green (issued 1903)
180a - Clark Griffith (issued 1902)
183 - Edgar Hahn (issued 1906)
192 - Harry Hart (issued 1906)
200d - Charles Hickman (issued 1907)
210 - William Holmes (issued 1903)
221 - Frank Isbell (issued 1903)
228a - Fielder Jones (issued 1902) (suit)
228b - Fielder Jones (issued 1902) (uniform)
268 - Harry D. Lord (issued 1910)
277 - George H. Magoon (issued 1903)
290 - Edward McFarland (issued 1902)
338 - Frank Owen (issued 1903)
340b - Frederick Parent (issued 1908)
344 - Roy Patterson (issued 1903)
372 - George Rohe (issued 1906)
374c - Frank Roth (issued 1906)
396 - John Slattery (issued 1903)
400 - Frank Smith (issued 1904)
418 - William D. Sullivan (issued 1902)
422 - Lee Tannehill (issued 1903)
435b - Ernest Vinson (issued 1905)
440 - Edward A. Walsh (issued 1904)
444 - G. Harry White (issued 1903)

I can't state enough how important these cards are to fill in gaps where there was no alternative. It is a unique find, which feature players you will find nowhere else. As for owning one of these... you may find them to be a bit pricey. If you can get your hands on one, don't hesitate at owning a piece of history.

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