Wednesday, December 12, 2007

100th Post

This marks the 100th post of this blog. Honestly, I didn't think I would make it to 100 this quick. I never thought I'd think of enough things to write about.

Thanks to everyone who has read and supported this blog. I wasn't even sure I'd have an audience for something so specific, but luckily I was proven wrong. All the comments have been a big confidence booster in keeping up at the pace I've been posting at.

I try not to waste a posting. I try to have something to say every time I write. I think for the most part, I've succeeded. There may have been a posting or two that had nothing to really say, but sometimes a raw writing is refreshing and can get more into what goes on in the mind of a person.

I wasn't quite sure what this blog would turn into. The only thing I had in mind when I started was White Sox baseball cards. It has grown into set reviews that highlight the White Sox cards, White Sox player profiles, eBay finds, spotlights on specific cards, remembrances of White Sox past and general musings on White Sox news. That's quite a growth spurt in slightly over a month.

I've started to become involved in baseball card trades and will be highlighting that more often as new trades become available. This will include a listing of what I'm looking for and contact info in the links on the right side of the page. Hopefully, this site will continue to grow and evolve. I look forward to many more postings on this blog.


  1. Congrats, perfect card for your post too! Keep it up man, I look forward to seeing new items in that RSS feed...

    You seriously need contact info somewhere though, I have a pile of Sox cards with your name on it and no way to get in touch with you. Shoot me an e-mail, it's in my profile.

  2. It's a great blog. You, Cardjunk, and I'd like to think Wax Heaven are the best of the ever-growing list of baseball card blogs.

    Keep up the great work!
