Not much more can be said about these sets from Classic in 1991. They are the same basic design, just with different colors for each set. Simplicity works for me with these cards. There's not a lot of clutter around the cards. The player selection was probably the best out of any set that year.
Classic always had unique photos. You never saw something from the same play on another card. It always seemed fresh and exciting. I can't recall ever seeing Cory Snyder running in a White Sox uniform on a card, but here he is, a running fool. I know there are only so many ways you can shoot baseball and its players. When all you see of one player is either a close-up shot or a batting shot or a posed fielding shot, you appreciate a good action shot to break up the monotony.
There are four White Sox cards in this set.
- T7 - Alex Fernandez
- T8 - Cory Snyder
- T9 - Tim Raines
- T28 - Frank Thomas
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, Frank Thomas is a required component in almost every set of 1991. I'm sure if one of the companies would have thought of it, they would've invited Frank to a hockey game, gave him a jersey to wear and talked him into being photographed with Wayne Gretzky. He would've had a ten card subset in a hockey release.
Alex Fernandez was the young stud that everyone thought was going to be the next ace. He didn't disappoint for a few years, but never had that long successful career like experts were predicting when he was drafted. He was well above average for most of his career.
Tim Raines got lost in the wake of Strawberry signing with the Dodgers. It looks like Tim got the last laugh though. Tim is one of the top considerations for the upcoming Hall of Fame ballot and Darryl Strawberry is not. Tim Raines was a big catch for the White Sox that year. He was also a big reason why the Sox were in contention mostly during his tenure on the South Side.
What can I say about Cory Snyder that I haven't already said. Not much, but I've always liked Cory. I was really excited when I heard he was coming to the White Sox. I enjoyed watching him in Cleveland. It might have stemmed from his 1985 Topps Olympic card. I always liked that card for some reason.
All in all, this is a solid set. Especially for being a "ahem" trivia game card.
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