Friday, April 25, 2008

4-24-08: Yankees 6 - Sox 7

April 24, 2008 - Chicago, Illinois

At least they salvaged one.

Two rain delays and a comeback by the Yankees almost hampered a White Sox victory. The Sox have been building to this type of win all week. Narrowly missing these types of wins in the last two games, they picked themselves up and finally got it done.

Gavin Floyd showed that he was human by giving up five runs in six innings. Jim Thome continues to show that he is superhuman by moving into 19th place on the all-time home run list, with his 513th home run.

Bobby Jenks held down a tie game by inducing a double play ball. Joe Crede came through in the clutch again to win the game for the Pale Hose in the bottom of the ninth. It all led to an exciting victory that shouldn't have been as exciting.

The good:
Bobby Jenks gets his first win of the year.

Jim Thome gets his 513th homer.

The bad:
Gavin Floyd was a little roughed up when he was pitching in the stretch.

Johnny Damon stole a base.

The ugly:
Nick Swisher was caught stealing.

The rain delays almost cost this game.

It never should have gotten that close to where the Sox had to pull it out in the ninth. Still, it's great to see the Sox actually win the close battles with the Yankees. After seeing Joba Chamberlain pitch, I can see what all the fuss is about. He reminds me of a cross between Bobby Jenks and Roger Clemens with a slight David Wells impersonation.

Lets build on this win and get on a roll!

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