Friday, August 1, 2008

July 28 - 31, 2008: White Sox @ Twins

July 28 - 31, 2008 - Minneapolis, Minnesota


The White Sox should have taken three out of four games in Minnesota. As any White Sox fan knows, strange things happen in the Metrodome. The Twins seem to always find a way back into the game. I for one can't wait for a new park for the Twins. There is something unnatural playing on artificial turf inside a dome.

The Sox blew two different 4-0 leads in this series. This is simply inexcusable. The Sox can't continue to operate in this fashion. Josh Fields adds to the enigma of the team. He is starting to hit, but makes routine plays in the infield a little dicey.

The good:
Ehren Wassermann has been a bright spot in the bullpen after his call up.

Carlos Quentin and Jermaine Dye continue their dominance.

The bad:
Clayton Richard impressed in Game 2, but still gave up five runs and took the loss.

Paul Konerko continues to struggle.

The ugly:
The Sox blew a four run lead twice in the series.

Ozzie had to remove his team, after objects were thrown from the crowd in Game 4.

The Twins seem to give the Sox fits, especially in Minnesota. The momentum in Game 4 was shifting in the Sox favor, until a blown call by the umpires resulted in a hit Twins batsmen to stay at the plate. It was ruled a strike, since he was bunting, but he pulled back in time. This action led to Twins manager Ron Gardenhire to be ejected and the Sox momentum crushed.

Objects from the stands were tossed on the field, in a display of crudeness from the Minnesota crowd. These are the same people who boo A.J. Pierzynski for being traded to the Giants. That trade brought Boof Bonser, Francisco Liriano and Joe Nathan to the Twins. The same people booing him are the same people who cheered him during his tenure in Minnesota. Go figure.

The Sox need to display some aggressiveness and less mental mistakes in KC. Will Griffey help?


  1. Umm, we dont boo AJ for being traded to the Giants, we boo AJ because he is a dick. There has been 3 separate incidents with him being a bush league ass with the Twins players, including one where he tried to intentionally spike Justin Morneau on his way past the bag at first on two different routine ground outs in the same game. We dont forget those things, ask CC Sabathia.

    Other than that, they should not have thrown things onto the field.

  2. Wasn't aware as that was why Twins fans booed him, but I do remember him being cheered by Twins fans for the same behavior when he was with the team. Some fans are fickle.

  3. I dont disagree with the fickleness of any fans, especially any minnesota sports fans.

    Personally, I love to see AJ fail. He is a dirty player who thrives on making people hate him. See Michael Barrett.

  4. I wouldn't put him in the same league as Barrett, but I could see a comparison.
