Thursday, June 18, 2009

Make Me Laugh Contest

This moment from the third inning on June 10, 2009, between the Tigers and the White Sox shows Alexei Ramirez tagging Blue Island, Illinos native, Curtis Granderson during a rundown between first base and second.

The premise for this contest is simple. I'm in a giving mood and I want to give away some cards. Whoever can come up with the caption for this picture that makes me laugh the most will win. It's as simple as that.

It really doesn't matter what the nature of your caption is. Just look into the archives of this site for inspiration of something that might make me laugh. My taste in comedy is wide ranging, so it could be almost anything that will make me laugh. That's all up to you to decide.

I will accept entries in the comments section until noon, Chicago time, on Monday, June 22, 2009. I will not be making any sort of comments in the comment section of this post until a winner is decided.

I'll tell you one thing, repetition is not funny to me. If you base your entry off of another entry, it had better be twice as funny to get me to laugh at it.

The winner will get an assortment of cards from their favorite team(s), player(s), set(s) or some Frankenstein combination of the three. It all depends on what I have available and what the winner's favorite baseball related things are.

Let's have some fun and make me laugh!


  1. Yeah, Alexei, that's right, a little bit lower . . . lower . . . ooooo, right there! Yeah that's it!

  2. A thermal detonator in his pocket will slow him down.

  3. Doing his best Austin Powers imitation, Alexie asks Curtis "does rubbing my balls on your buttucks make your horny?".

  4. It's only gay if the balls touch.

  5. "This is a simple, outpatient procedure... We'll have that out in a jiffy..."

    Hey, my codeword: comic - now how cool is that!?

  6. moooooooon river

    you ever serve time?

  7. ewwwwww, curtis, put a cork in it. Ok I will.

  8. Ha Ha. Alexei make you Curtis Cottontail.

  9. "Maybe if Josh Fields and Wilson Betemit 'kissed' a little more ass, they would have kept their jobs."

  10. Alexei: "I got you, pshewpshew!"

    Curtis: "Argh... Noooooooooo!!"
