Sunday, June 12, 2011

2011 WSC Season Pass - Card #67


  1. You know what gets me on that leaping catch photo? The guy in the background with his hand wide open. That's no way to catch a baseball! All he's going to do is break a finger or something. It doesn't even look like he's in the right position to have any kind of chance at the ball, if it had traveled far enough and not been caught.

    What's up with Gio Gonzalez anyway. He started out the year doing so well. Three runs isn't so bad, I guess.

  2. Some fans have no concept of how to catch a ball. LOL

    I'm a big Gio fan. He was drafted and re-acquired by the Sox because of his stuff. He was traded away twice by the Sox because he is a fly ball starting pitcher in a hitter's park. I was glad when he found a good home in the majors with Oakland.
