Friday, March 29, 2019

Card Spotlight: 3-29-19

1969 Topps Super #11 - Pete Ward

If you've read this blog before, you know that I am a fan of oddball sets. Generally anything that is a little bit different than the normal flagship stuff. Those flagship releases are great, but nothing beats the feeling where you pause even for a brief second because your brain is processing where this card falls into the collection. It's not a feeling I get too often, but it happens.

The Topps Super cards usually throw me for a split second, just because I don't see them often enough and they are larger than the standard size. When you are sorting through cards and seeing the same designs over and over again, an oddball card can be a fantastic wake up call. It jolts you out of your auto-pilot mode and forces you to pay attention.

A lot of Topps oddball products are over the standard size, which makes it a bit difficult to store. They will rarely get mixed in with regular cards because of the size difference. In reality though, about the only Topps Super releases I don't have to take a second look at are the three from the eighties. It's only because they use the same design and picture as their flagship counterpart.

The late sixties/early seventies Topps Super sets looked remarkably similar. Sometimes I can tell by a player or a uniform, but other times it's not easy. The card will get a second look. I wish I had the time to give every card a second look. You can notice all the small details that go unnoticed. Until recently, I hadn't noticed that there was tiny printing differences in the 1991 Topps cards. When they are actually pointed out, it's almost like I was blind before. How did I not notice that before now?

As this 2019 season gets underway, take time to notice the little details. They will make the memory that much more enjoyable.