What exactly does this mean to everyone? Is an award by a card company that important to the winner? Will fame and fortune be yours for the taking? Does anyone honestly think that everyone who voted for the winners will all be getting fantastic prizes? I don't believe that. There is not enough in the prize package to make it worthwhile.
That's not really the point though. In the United States, it's illegal to stand outside the poll places and try to influence an individual's vote with shiny trinkets. Not that anyone who e-mailed me influenced my vote. By the time I had gotten my first of many e-mails trying to bribe me into voting their way, I had already voted.
I'm not going to reveal who I voted for, but I was disappointed with some of the finalists. I was also pleasantly surprised by a few, so it did balance out. If someone really wants to know who I voted for, hack into the contest system and pick out my address. I have no doubt it can be done, but I have no idea why anyone would go to all that trouble.
In the end, is anyone really going to be impressed with an award or an affiliation? Only the most casual reader will base their opinion on those types of associations. Content should be the main criteria for voting. Most importantly, do you enjoy going to the sites you are voting for? I would imagine that those thoughts would trump any bribe. Some of us still have integrity. Those who are trying to buy votes have no scruples, in my opinion.
I should mention that I have also received a few e-mails of blogs stating their case why you should vote for them. I have absolutely no problem with that. There is no bribing, only someone informing why you should vote for them. That's where the line should be drawn.