1991 - Carlton Fisk
One of the best shots ever put to cardboard.

1992 - Frank Thomas
A classic posed shot with all the right elements, including a winning smile.

1993 - Bo Jackson
Something that no one could fathom a few years prior. Bo's still here and ready to kick some butt!

1994 - Ozzie Guillen
Ozzie looking large and in charge.

1995 - Lance Johnson
Lance taking off for first. Poetry in motion.

1996 - Robin Ventura
Robin giving his all.

1997 - Tony Phillips
An odd and intimate shot of a ball in play.

1998 - Albert Belle
The powerhouse in his last productive years.

1999 - Frank Thomas
The Big Hurt at full speed. A terrifying thought for the infielders.

2000 - Magglio Ordonez
The sweet swing of Maggs.
That Fisk card is probably one of my favorites of all-time, from a photographic standpoint.
Is it just me or is Frank Thomas not as highly regarded as he should be? Just for fun I looked at his stats vs. the beloved Ernie Banks and other than in triples they're very close. First ballot Hall of Famer?
If I had to pick one card that best represents the game of baseball and how exciting it could be, that Fisk cards would be it.
I think when Frank makes it on the first ballot, everyone will suddenly remember how great he was. If the 1994 White Sox team would have made it to the World Series (damn strike), I'm positive that he would be held in very high regard right now.
Awesome and enjoyable post. The Ventura is pretty sweet even if the design is very dated.
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