The best that my detective work can tell me is that the picture is from Spring Training of either 1958 or 1959. My gut tells me 1958.
How did I come to such a conclusion? Glad you asked.
My first clue came from the billboard in back. Goff Jewelry. There was a Goff Jewelry in Tampa, Florida in the fifties and the White Sox made Tampa their Spring Training home from 1954 until 1959. During that time, Early Wynn was on the team during the last two years.
My second clue was the uniform that Early is wearing in the photo. There is no mistaking that is the home uniform. The only place they would play or practice in their home uniforms would be their home field.
The third and final clue? The two players in the background are in the stands. So this must be a practice at their home field in Tampa, Florida. Plus the number that's completely visible is number 31. While players who don't make the team typically wear numbers too, there was only a number 31 worn during the 1958 regular season. Tom Qualters and Norm Cash both wore number 31 in 1958.
My guess would be that the mystery player is Tom Qualters. Tom switched his uniform number to 36. Norm switched his number 31 to number 38 for the 1959 season. 1958 was Tom Qualters last season. This only further supports my theory for the photo being taken from a 1958 home Spring Training practice.
The back is a little disheartening though. This piece of memorabilia has been used in an official MLB game, but it doesn't specify which one or which team Early played for when this uniform was worn. This could very well be a Cleveland Indians uniform masquerading as a White Sox uniform.
Even with mysteries surrounding parts of the card, it is still an awesome card. I picked up this card for $2.00 on eBay. Let's call it a late birthday present or an early Christmas present. On second thought, it makes more sense calling this an Early present.
An "Early" present... NICE!!! :-)
Don't know why I'm posting this here, but Nick Swisher is now a Yankee, which means I have to start all over on his cards!!
You are welcome to any Swisher doubles that I have!
Haha, thanks man, but I'm trying to streamline stuff... the last thing I should probably be doing is going after new players... unless it's CC.
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