With so many card sites out there right now and so many cool stuff happening on those sites, it's getting harder and harder to keep track of everything. Things slip by. If they pertain to me, someone is usually kind enough to give me a heads up. Thank you to those who have performed that service over the years.
I'm convinced that there is a lot going on within the community, when I signed up for free cards and then completely forgot about them. That just so happened with Matt of Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius.
Back in April, which seems like a lifetime ago, Matt bought a box of 1997 Stadium Club Series 2 and a box of 2000 HOLOGrFX for a reasonable cost at a show. He was only interested in a few cards and offered the rest, split up by team, to anyone who asked nicely enough.
Of course, I requested White Sox cards. These are what arrived.
1997 Stadium Club
213 - Frank Thomas
227 - Albert Belle (2)
258 - Jaime Navarro
293 - Ray Durham
317 - James Baldwin
347 - Wilson Alvarez (2)
84 - Frank Thomas
85 - Magglio Ordonez
86 - Carlos Lee
Thanks, Matt! These were awesome freebies! The HOLOGrFX cards nearly blinded me when I slipped them out of the package. I'm too lazy to look up the answer, but I'm thinking that I might be close to a team set in the HOLOGrFX cards. I'll look it up later.
Thanks for the cards and keep up the fantastic work on your blog!
That is the entire team set:
Very cool! Thanks!
I usually do the research when I put the cards away, but I haven't gotten to that point yet.
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