Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coot Veal And The Vealtones

It could be a retro fifties band made up of former MLB players, but instead it's something much greater. It's Dustin's brand spanking new blog, Coot Veal and the Vealtones!

You may remember Dustin from a trade that he initiated with me a little over a year ago. He finally took the plunge and created a blog that's off to a wonderful start. He's looking for a trade and an audience, so head on over, be entertained, and maybe, just maybe, make a new friend.

I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening? Cardboard. There's a great future in cardboard. Think about it. Will you think about it?

1 comment:

Dhoff said...

Thanks, man. Now I kind of wish there was a retro band made up of MLB players.

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