Monday, August 31, 2009
Catching Up

The Out-Bacon Beckham contest consisted of listeners suggesting their favorite 80s-ish cheesy song, which would be played after their name was called to bat. Since Beckham chose "Your Love" by The Outfield, it was everybody's task to out cheese him.
I chose "Lovin' Every Minute Of It" by Loverboy. That song is one of my secret shames of the mid eighties. The caveat was that it also had to be a song which you liked and somewhat was appropriate.
The eventual winner? I won't spoil it, but I'll say that there was tough competition and inspirational cheese prevailed.
Today is the debut for Steve Stone's blog. Great idea! I've been following him on Twitter and he has a lot of good gems about the White Sox, the Cubs and baseball in general.
The White Sox death march road trip is currently at 1-6, with the team going into the Metrodome for the very last time for a three game series. I can't wait for Target Field to open up next year. Hopefully, they won't bring the Hefty bags.
The Ex Files: Scott Fletcher
While his arrival in 1983 helped spark a division title, his departure left a noticeable void in the middle of the infield, starting in 1986.
How did he fare in his first season away from the White Sox? He excelled in his first year in Texas with a career high .300 batting average and Scott was named AL Player of the Month in July 1986.
The void left by Scott was so bad, that in 1989, the White Sox traded for him (along with Wilson Alvarez and Sammy Sosa), dealing Harold Baines and Fred Manrique. With Scott back in the fold, the Sox dragged themselves out of last place and took a shot at the division once again in 1990.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Harold Enters The Orioles Hall Of Fame

Check out this great post by Kevin, who provides some awesome statistical analysis.
Check out the story on
Congrats, Harold!
Safe Or Out?
Slip Slidin' Away
Friday, August 28, 2009
Card Spotlight: 8-28-09

In a previous post, a reader left a story about uniform numbers and little league teams. While discussing that, he mentioned that his number was 23 and at the time Mike Joyce was the player who corresponded with that number on the White Sox.
Unfortunately, I was never on any little league teams in my youth. Other activities, like cub scouts, occupied my time away from school. This hasn't stopped me from wondering what number I would have had and if that number would have resulted in a collection of an additional player.
When we are kids, strong bonds are formed through association. Let's say, for the sake of argument, I was given the number 26, if I had played little league. Would I have followed the career of Mark Ryal? He wore the number for the Sox in 1985. Maybe I would have followed Bobby Bonilla or Jose DeLeon. They both wore 26 in 1986.
Mike Joyce only appeared in 31 games over two consecutive seasons for the White Sox before having his contract purchased by the Mets. He never played in the majors after his two seasons in Chicago. That doesn't usually translate into many people remembering you, let alone remembering the uniform number you wore. Somewhere, for whatever reason, someone will always remember the little details like that, due to something connected with their own life. That's just another Major League perk.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Screaming Yellow Theater
While that Screaming Yellow Theater exists in some form today, the same cannot be said for Fleer baseball cards. Fleer has had many ups and downs since its inception. Is it our fault that it has been mostly downs? No!
When I think of Fleer, I think of poorly executed design, with a few gems scattered throughout the years. I thought that 1988's confetti motif was bad, then they topped it in 1989 with the bland pinstriped gangster suit look. 1990 got a little better, then they unleashed the unholy monster that is Screaming Yellow Theater upon the world.
It's not interesting. It's not unique. (1990 Donruss did the design much better. Thanks, Mario!) It's just yellow! I would refer to this set as Screaming Yellow Theater for many years. I still do on occasion. It's yellow. It's blinding. It features ACTION and cheesy posed portraits which cause painful memories of chain reaction vomiting during elementary school Christmas plays.
Sadly, 1991 Fleer is not one low budget thing that this Chicago born guy is ready to embrace. 1991 Fleer is like the drunk relative at a wedding. You have to put up with it because it's technically family, but given the choice, you'd rather it just went away.
I put up with 1991 Fleer because of the White Sox cards. I almost wish that the White Sox were skipped in this set. Almost. I'm glad of this sets existence. It shows the entire world what not to do with a card set.
After enduring the torture that is 1991 Fleer, I'll leave you with a picture of the host of Screaming Yellow Theater. The original Svengoolie!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Collective Troll 6: Odds N' Ends
I've debated for two weeks on how exactly I was going to present the odds and ends of the box. The stuff that just couldn't fit with any other post. I decided to just lump them together in a big coverall post.
Pieces of metal and paper and plastic all with their own specific distinction are listed here, simply because they had no place else to be. I will take in these last refugees of the pale hose and give them a decent home, where they will be lovingly displayed for the rest of my life.
The listing that follows was put together with the utmost care. I wish I had the picture space to show everything, but I want to be able to still post pictures next year. This box goes out with not a whimper. Nay! It goes out with a bang!
1976 Isaly's Discs
Carlos May
1981 Donruss
158 - Jim Morrison (autographed)
This Date In Chicago White Sox History
by Art Berke & Paul Schmitt
1983 "1969" MLBPA Pins
Nellie Fox
1983 Topps
362 - Bill Almon (autographed)
1986 Drakes Panels
Harold Baines (Rose, McGee, Murray)
1994 Beckett
106 - Frank Thomas cover
116 - Frank Thomas/Ken Griffey Jr. cover
1995 Tuff Stuff
Sept. '95 - Frank Thomas cover (and Thomas Leaf ad back!)
1996 White Sox Spring Training Program
1997 Donruss Preferred Tin
Albert Belle
1997 Spring Training Schedule & 40 Man Roster List
1997 Starting Lineup Figure
Frank Thomas (mint in package)
A White Sox logo baseball (in package)
Thank you so much!! I cannot begin to express my gratitude for these White Sox treasures! I am officially done with the Collective Troll box. This has been a fun experience and one that I will never forget!
Pondering Peavy

I'm not drowning my sorrows, but I should be after tonight's inexcusable loss to the Red Sox. It figures on the exact night that the offense shows up, the pitching is stuck in transit between Chicago and Boston.
The pitching woes can be summed up in one play. The swinging bunt. If Jose Contreras picked up the ball, at any time, the damage wouldn't have happened. If Contreras let the ball go through to a waiting Konerko, the massacre of that inning would have been nonexistent.
Instead, Contreras opted to swipe unsuccessfully at the ball and fall down in front of Konerko, impeding the ball's natural movement towards Paulie. Everything that can go wrong in an inning, went wrong for the White Sox in that inning. It will be shown for years to freshly signed players, serving as a warning of what could happen if they don't prepare.
Stick a forkball in Contreras. He is done. Jose was sent to the bullpen, after the game. This leaves the door open for an early Sox debut of Jake Peavy on Saturday against the Yankees and C.C. Sabathia. Will Peavy be ready? The answer should be known within 24 hours.
Let's hope that "Big Game" Freddy Garcia shows up. If the Sox need to go to the bullpen early another night, they are finished on the road trip. No matter what happens, expect Garcia to be out there at least six innings. What would be nice would be seven or more innings from Sweaty Freddy.
I'll finish my Dude drink and ponder the fate of the White Sox over the next week. With the Twins winning their game and Detroit close to winning theirs, this week should be very interesting.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Keep The Contests Coming

The last day to enter is August 30th, so hurry! Winner take all.
The last of the Collective Troll box content should be up sometime tomorrow.
Coolio Contest

Plus, it gives me an excuse to put up a picture of Kwanzaa-bot. For those of you still scratching your heads, rap star Coolio voiced Kwanzaa-bot.
Good luck! I hope you win something!
Angels In The E-mail

Cue the music.
"Thank you, for all your cards and letters..."
We interrupt these moldy oldies to bring you this important message!
In all seriousness, I had an e-mail from someone looking for Angels cards. The original e-mail is buried somewhere in my inbox and I have not been able to find it.
I have Angels set aside, but I have no way (presently) of responding back. I'm embarrassed, because I'm usually better organized, but the original e-mail seems to have fallen through the cracks. Please e-mail back, so I know who and where to potentially send these cards.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Cashe In!

This would have been up much earlier, but I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts.
OK, only the old friend came in from out of town part applied, but how often is that Blues Brothers quote more appropriate? I'm also studying weather variations in 1976 Oregon and layouts of 1976 Washington for a book that I'm in the middle of writing. It sounds a lot more boring than it actually is.
Plus, today, I plan on thoroughly searching through boxes of cards to complete trade requests from the past two weeks. You know who you are and you'll be getting e-mails from me very shortly.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Card Spotlight: 8-21-09
A.J. is in the middle of the best overall season in his MLB career. In most major categories, his stats are career highs or just shy of that mark. Most catchers (on the wrong side of thirty) slow down and become less productive. A.J. has put the work in and is experiencing a renaissance in his career.
This card reminds me of A.J.'s work ethic. He is ready to play at any given moment during a game. If you need him to catch 15 innings, he play it (and want to play in the next game). If you need him to smack a double, he'll send one screaming past an outfielder. I love the way Topps captured the intensity in Pierzynski's eyes.
This 2006 release celebrates the classic 1949 Bowman set. It may not be the prettiest to look at, but there is beauty hidden in the muted hues and undertones. There is a grace that lies in the artwork. Simplicity incarnate, as A.J. grabs his mitt and bat, ready for anything.
The longer I have this card in my collection, the more I appreciate it. The card may go back to a simpler time in collecting, but sometimes it's OK to go back. Those of us who were old enough to collect the original set are flooded with memories. Those of us who are being introduced to the set are getting a great lesson in history. Unlike the 1952 Topps design, the original Bowman designs have yet to become cliche. Let's appreciate them before they do.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Garland Cleared Waivers

Oh yeah. The current fourth and fifth starter positions.
Separated At Birth: Ozzie Guillen And Jerri Blank

Ever since I saw Amy Sedaris' very funny portrayal of Jerri Blank on Strangers With Candy, I thought she looked similar to this awful shot of Ozzie Guillen from the 1994 Score set. Ozzie was caught in mid-moment of... I'm not sure what.
I remember that this card was one of the last cards I ever pulled out of a pack in 1994. This may have led to my long time away from the hobby. Until I saw Strangers With Candy, I had no idea that Ozzie had a long lost sister. What a small world.
Going For The Gold?
On paper, the White Sox should be running away with the division. As is the case, what looks good on paper, rarely translates to on the field success. The numbers even look good, but the downfall of the 2009 team will be the defense.
I was simply flabbergasted to find out that the Sox went 0-49 to start the season, while trailing in the ninth, before finally winning in the ninth. 0-49?! That sounds like Washington Nationals territory. The lack of clutch hitting in the ninth isn't the culprit here, it's the defense.
When you give a team four or five outs in an inning, more times than not it will come back to bite you in the butt. The same goes for leadoff walks. Mix in leadoff walks and poor defense, in the same inning and you have a calamity waiting to happen.
That's not to say that the defense hasn't gotten better. It has, but an upgrade from poor to fair isn't that much of a difference. It puts an unbearable strain on the pitching staff and that will cause poor pitching performances.
Do I still think that the Sox can win? Sure. They have the luxury of being in one of the worst divisions. I'm not counting on Peavy this year. I'm counting on Rios and Pena and Garcia. Those are the players that are trying to help at the Major League level right now. Could Peavy be a help this year? He sure could, but until he is here, Jake Peavy is not on my radar.
The Sox are the underachieving team in an enviable position. If they can start just achieving, not overachieving, they will win this thing. When the playoffs start, you throw the regular season out the window. In order to do that, you have to get there first. This team is certainly capable of doing that. Will they?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Return Of The Stealth Gifter
When mysterious packages are placed upon my windowsill, only one man could be responsible... John of Johngy's Beat! Of course today would be the perfect day for this to happen. It's only been a few days since I hooked John on my new Facebook White Sox application.
Enjoy some 70's White Sox greatness. Take care.
And some 70s White Sox greatness I shall enjoy! Just when I think that John couldn't possibly be generous enough to gift again, poof, another package appears. This time the contents are from a lifetime ago. My lifetime to be exact. I was a bicentennial baby and all of these cards are from 1975 and 1976.
Let's dig in!
1975 Topps
110 - Wilbur Wood
276 - Chuck Tanner
313 - Terry Forster (Firemen Leaders)
327 - Jerry Hairston
614 - Jack Kucek (Rookie Pitchers)
619 - Nyls Wallace Rex Nyman (Rookie Outfielders)
653 - Lee Richard
1975 Topps Mini
59 - Ken Henderson
82 - Pat Kelly
110 - Wilbur Wood
137 - Terry Forster
161 - Stan Bahnsen
184 - Jorge Orta
219 - Ed Herrman
243 - Jim Kaat
276 - Chuck Tanner
299 - Bucky Dent
313 - Terry Forster (Firemen Leaders)
327 - Jerry Hairston
338 - Rick Stelmaszek
348 - Tony Muser (2)
422 - Brian Downing
446 - Bart Johnson
504 - Buddy Bradford
528 - Eddie Leon
572 - Roger Nelson
614 - Jack Kucek (Rookie Pitchers)
619 - Nyls Nyman (Rookie Outfielders)
624 - Jim Otten (Rookie Pitchers)
634 - Cy Acosta
653 - Lee Richard
1976 Topps
23 - Brian Downing
180 - Rich Gossage
368 - Wilbur Wood
391 - Jery Hairston
413 - Pete Varney
464 - Ken Henderson
488 - Claude Osteen
513 - Bart Johnson
560 - Jorge Orta
Thanks, John! I can't believe I'm one card away from completion of the 1976 Topps set. I am so much closer to the end of each of the 1975 Topps sets too. I can't begin to thank you enough. Your generosity is stupendous!
Some of you eagle-eyed observers may have discovered one oddball card in the listings. It is not a White Sox player. It is a Cubs player.
For those of you who may not be aware, I helped John with a "Cards That Never Were" project on Rick Stelmaszek. I take great pride in being able to bring to reality an injustice to a player who was robbed of a card. It's that spirit that will always keep the mini card of Stelmaszek in a special place in my collection.
Collective Troll 5: 90s And The Aughts
I am finally in the home stretch of the Collective Troll box. It's been a journey of fascination and wonder. Unexpected surprises have popped up all over the box. This leg of the journey is probably one of the most interesting for me. I didn't collect from mid 1994 until early 2007. I missed out on a lot. I always get a kick out of cards from that era. I think I might have quit after seeing some of the lackluster designs and the endless parallels, but luckily I skipped that part. I only get to see the tail end of that era, in today's cards.
Let's see what surprises pop up!
1990 Bowman
309 – Wayne Edwards
311 – Robin Ventura
1990 Donruss
28 – Robin Ventura
135 – Ozzie Guillen
1990 Fleer
532 – Dave Gallagher
543 – Donn Pall
1990 Upper Deck
69 – Ron Karkovice
79 – Ozzie Guillen TC
503 – Ivan Calderon
1991 American Sports Monthly
40 – Frank Thomas
45 – Frank Thomas
1991 Donruss
220 – Ron Karkovice
748 – Harold Baines
1991 Topps
8 – Bobby Thigpen RB
93 – Ivan Calderon
121 – Eric King (2)
166 – Harold Baines
219 – Jack McDowell
243 – Lance Johnson
393 – Carlton Fisk AS
396 – Bobby Thigpen AS
420 – Bobby Thigpen
568 – Ron Karkovice
609 – Jeff Torborg
717 – Phil Bradley
768 – Donn Pall
1991 Topps Archives 1953
156 – Jim Rivera
196 – Bob Keegan
229 – Rocky Krsnich
250 – Bob Wilson
270 – Vern Stephens
322 – Paul Richards
331 – Nellie Fox
1992 Classic Best
323 – Larry Thomas
1992 Donruss
495 – Wilson Alvarez HL
630 – Wilson Alvarez
1992 Diamond Kings
DK-14 – Harold Baines
1992 Leaf
78 – Wilson Alvarez
105 – Ron Karkovice
126 – Harold Baines
1992 Score
326 – Joey Cora
1992 Triple Play
74 – Alex Fernandez
121 – Matt Merullo
1992 Upper Deck
7 – Roberto Hernandez
190 – Melido Perez
436 – Ozzie Guillen
571 – Carlton Fisk
724 – George Bell
1993 Donruss
37 – Wilson Alvarez
95 – George Bell
169 – Scott Radinsky
403 – Roberto Hernandez
1993 Topps
70 – Roberto Hernandez
286 – Ron Karkovice
770 – Robin Ventura
1993 Topps Gold
345 – Harold Baines
737 – Wilson Alvarez
1993 Ultra
170 – Wilson Alvarez
175 – Ron Karkovice
1994 Leaf
71 – Wilson Alvarez
167 – Roberto Hernandez
184 – Ron Karkovice
1994 Pinnacle
408 – Harold Baines
1994 Stadium Club
462 – Wilson Alvarez
1994 Stadium Sports
69 – Michael Jordan
1994 Ted Williams
105 – Rube Foster
1994 Topps Archives 1954
173 – Jack Harshman
1994 Ultra
333 – James Baldwin
1994 Upper Deck
468 – Roberto Hernandez
1995 Bowman’s Best
77 – James Baldwin
1995 Collector’s Choice
502 – Ron Karkovice
503 – Wilson Alvarez
507 – Roberto Hernandez
1995 Fleer
119 – Roberto Hernandez
1995 Fleer Prospects
2 – James Baldwin
1995 Leaf
164 – Roberto Hernandez
1995 Pinnacle
68 – Ron Karkovice
123 – Wilson Alvarez
413 – James Baldwin
416 – Ray Durham
422 – Harold Baines
1995 Summit
24 – Robin Ventura
146 – James Baldwin
1995 Ultra
29 – Roberto Hernandez
1995 Upper Deck Minors
43 – James Baldwin
208 – Lyle Mouton
1995 Zenith
123 – James Baldwin
1996 Collector’s Choice
507 – Mike Cameron
508 – Ron Karkovice
509 – Matt Karchner
1996 Donruss
378 – Mike Cameron
1996 Fleer
67 – Roberto Hernandez
69 – Matt Karchner
74 – Lyle Mouton
76 – Mike Sirotka
1996 Pacific
282 – Lyle Mouton
289 – Dave Martinez
1996 Pinnacle
188 – Chris Snopek
1996 Score
192 – Roberto Hernandez
1996 Select
163 – Chris Snopek
1996 Stadium Club
54 – Lyle Mouton
1996 Upper Deck
306 – Wilson Alvarez
1997 Bowman
285 – Roberto Hernandez
1997 Bowman’s Best
96 – Harold Baines
1997 Collector’s Choice Teams
CW4 – Lyle Mouton
CW5 – James Baldwin
CW9 – Ray Durham
CW12 – Roberto Hernandez
CW13 – Jaime Navarro
1997 Donruss
199 – Harold Baines
289 – Albert Belle
1997 Finest
54 – James Baldwin
1997 Leaf
202 – Albert Belle
1997 Pacific
49 – Wilson Alvarez
1997 Pinnacle
87 – Harold Baines
1997 Pinnacle Certified
15 – Albert Belle
1997 Pinnacle Xpress
47 – Albert Belle
1997 Score
218 – Lyle Mouton
1997 Score Hobby Reserve
348 – Jaime Navarro
495 – Albert Belle GY
1997 Score Premium Stock
131 – Roberto Hernandez
1997 Score Showcase Series
419 – Chris Snopek
1997 SP
45 – Albert Belle
1997 Studio
98 – Albert Belle
1997 Topps
197 – Dave Martinez
407 – Lyle Mouton
1997 Ultra
40 – Roberto Hernandez
1997 Ultra Gold Medallion
G420 – Jaime Navarro
1997 Upper Deck
39 – James Baldwin
238 – Mike Cameron
1998 Bowman
42 – Albert Belle
84 – Brett Caradonna
117 – Jeff Liefer
124 – Jason Dellaero
147 – Jeff Abbott
199 – Mario Valdez
1998 Collector’s Choice
336 – Jaime Navarro
426 – Mike Caruso
501 – Roberto Hernandez
1998 Collector’s Choice StarQuest
SQ8 – Mike Cameron
1998 Finest Power Zone
P17 – Albert Belle
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials
12 – Jeff Abbott (0705/3250)
1998 Pacific Crown Royale
34 – Mike Caruso
1998 Pacific Online
181 – Chris Snopek
1998 Pacific Paramount
26 – James Baldwin
30 – Jaime Navarro
31 – Magglio Ordonez
1998 Pacific Paramount Copper
26 – James Baldwin
30 - Jaime Navarro
31 – Magglio Ordonez
1998 Score Rookie/Traded
RT108 – Mike Cameron
RT140 – Ray Durham
RT244 – Magglio Ordonez
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess
58 – Albert Belle
1998 SkyBox Thunder
67 – Mike Caruso
151 – James Baldwin
175 – Magglio Ordonez
1998 Studio
50 – Mike Cameron
59 – Albert Belle
1998 Topps
331 – Albert Belle
399 – Harold Baines
1998 Topps Chrome
41 – Mike Cameron
473 – Carlos Castillo
1998 Ultra
264 – Mike Caruso
273 – James Baldwin
380 – Magglio Ordonez
464 – Roberto Hernandez
1998 Upper Deck
288 – Tom Fordham
332 – Matt Karchner
333 – Keith Foulke
556 – Carlos Lee
564 – Mark Johnson
567 – Mike Caruso
570 – Magglio Ordonez
734 – Roberto Hernandez
1999 Collector’s Choice StarQuest
SQ17 – Frank Thomas
1999 Sports Illustrated Fabulous 40s
5 – Albert Belle
1999 Upper Deck Black Diamond
22 – Albert Belle
2000 Topps
214 – Rob Purvis, Jason Stumm
2006 Bowman Heritage
76 – A.J. Pierzynski
2006 Bowman Heritage Chrome
104 – Juan Uribe
2006 Bowman Heritage Prospects
3 – Lance Broadway
75 – Kyle McCulloch
2007 Bowman Chrome
BC21 – Aaron Cunningham (2)
2007 Bowman Heritage Rainbow Foil
21 – Mark Buehrle
166 – Joe Crede
2007 Fleer
255 – Jose Contreras
262 – Joe Crede
264 – Javier Vazquez
265 – A.J. Pierzynski
2007 Fleer Crowning Achievement
CA-JT – Jim Thome
2007 Fleer Year In Review
YR-JD – Jermaine Dye
2007 Goudey
190 – Jermaine Dye
2007 Topps
92 – Joe Crede (2)
121 – Alex Cintron
224 – Matt Thornton
226 – White Sox Team
284 – Jerry Owens
292 – Josh Fields
359 – Jon Garland
389 – Gavin Floyd (2)
451 – Bobby Jenks
481 – Jim Thome (2)
485 – Tadahito Iguchi
513 – Jermaine Dye
544 – Juan Uribe
2007 Topps Heritage
11 – Rob Mackowiak
56 – Ryan Sweeney
74 – Juan Uribe
75 – Scott Podsednik
100 – Jose Contreras
219 – Joe Crede
256 – White Sox Team
359 – Bobby Jenks
362 – Paul Konerko
475 – Ozzie Guillen, Phil Garner
2007 Topps Opening Day
12 – Paul Konerko
56 – Javier Vazquez
107 – Jon Garland (2)
130 – Jermaine Dye
142 – Jim Thome
143 – Jose Contreras
175 – Josh Fields (2)
2007 Topps Own The Game
OTG8 – Jim Thome (2)
2008 Spectrum
22 – Jermaine Dye
2008 Topps
144 – Jerry Owens
2008 Topps Heritage
94, 137, 263, 410
2008 Topps Heritage Black Backs
23, 90, 92, 94, 338
2008 Topps Heritage Flashbacks
2008 Topps Heritage Then & Now
2009 Topps
30 – Ken Griffey Jr.
488 – Ozzie Guillen
Five parts down, one to go!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Joe Collector Box Break Loot
The only reason that I bought into the 2007 Bowman's Best break was for the chance at the random autos. I already have multiple copies of the Jim Thome card and the Josh Fields rookie card hasn't been beating a path to my door. The only option was the autos.
I received one autographed card and I think it was a pretty decent one.
I was holding off on purchasing a lot of 2009 Allen & Ginter because I was looking forward to this box break. I wasn't disappointed. I actually knocked out a good chunk of the White Sox base cards from the set. I managed to get a few cool oddball base cards, a Chicago American Giants base card and a few nice surprises.
2007 Bowman's Best
8 - David Ortiz (2)
30 - Jim Thome (3)
84 - Michael Bourn auto
2009 Allen & Ginter
33 - Florence Nightingale
42 - Mark Buehrle
97 - Art Pennington (CAG)
167 - Jim Thome
200 - Carlos Quentin
234 - Wyatt Earp
261 - John Danks
265 - Paul Konerko
2009 Allen Ginter National Pride
NP30 - Jose Contreras
2009 Allen & Ginter Mini
167 - Jim Thome
2009 Allen & Ginter Relics
AGR-CQ - Carlos Quentin
I would have been extremely happy with that box break, but it didn't stop there. The next card pulled would put a smile on Albert Belle.
2009 Allen & Ginter Bazooka Back
167 - Jim Thome (07/25)
Capewood's Customs

So far, all of the custom cards that I've personally seen have been great. Everyone takes on a different perspective and brings something unique to the field. A few days ago, I received an e-mail from Cliff of Capewood's Collections.
Cliff has thrown his hat into the custom card ring and the results that he has shown me have been spectacular. He attached six different custom cards and I will share them with you.
The cards range from the unique to the action to the close shots. Great job, Cliff!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Collective Troll 4: 60s, 70s And 80s
I have no clue how, but I always seemed to weasel my way into group outings to see the Sox in the eighties. I guess that everyone saw me decked out in Sox gear all the time and took pity on me. More likely, the teams were so awful that they couldn't give the extra tickets away, so they asked me to tag along.
Unlike in this decade, I can remember the Sox winning the majority of the time, when I went, having those bad teams. The past two decades, with the really good teams, my track record isn't as spectacular.
Enough chit-chat though. Let's see what treasures are in this part of the box!
1966 Topps
319 – Gene Freese
374 – Bob Locker
398 – Danny Cater
1967 Topps
29 – Tommy McCraw
81 – Eddie Stanky (2)
1968 Topps
265 – Tommy Davis
1972 Topps
618 – Rich Robertson
1973 Topps
20 – Stan Bahnsen
150 – Wilbur Wood
356 – Chuck Tanner
1974 Topps
46 – Pat Kelly
221 – Chuck Tanner
1976 Topps
47 – Jesse Jefferson
597 – Rookie Pitchers – Jack Kucek
1976 Topps Traded
127T – Larvell Blanks
1977 Topps
232 – Minnie Minoso RB
1978 Topps
182 – Jim Spencer
231 – Wayne Nordhagen
421 – Junior Moore
463 – Kevin Bell
672 – Don Kessinger
1979 Topps
35 – Ed Figueroa
186 – Eric Soderholm
266 – Jim Willoughby
275 – Junior Moore
514 – Mike Proly
559 – Greg Pryor
704 – Prospects – Ross Baumgarten, Mike Colbern, Mike Squires
1980 Topps
35 – Luis Tiant
186 – Junior Moore
242 – Lamar Johnson
399 – Mike Proly
412 – Thad Bosley
466 – Mike Squires
487 – Wayne Nordhagen
552 – Bill Nahorodny (2)
589 – Chet Lemon (2)
608 – Alan Bannister
647 – Milt May (2)
702 – Ed Farmer (2)
1981 Donruss
39 – Kevin Bell
41 – Ross Baumgarten
279 – Britt Burns
281 – Chet Lemon
399 – Marvis Foley
401 – Wayne Nordhagen
596 – Mike Proly
1981 Fleer
343 – Kevin Bell
1981 Topps
186 – Wayne Nordhagen (2)
272 – Bruce Kimm (2)
323 – Jim Morrison (2)
589 – Lamar Johnson
646 – Marvis Foley
664 – White Sox Team
716 – Glenn Borgmann
735 – Tony Bernazard
1982 Donruss
269 – Lamar Johnson
395 – Jim Morrison
1982 Fleer
337 – Ross Baumgarten (2)
338 – Tony Bernazard (2)
339 – Britt Burns
345 – LaMarr Hoyt
350 – Ron LeFlore (2)
351 – Chet Lemon
353 – Bob Molinaro
354 – Jim Morrison
356 – Greg Pryor
1982 K-Mart
21 – Rich Allen (2)
1982 Topps
13 – Lamar Johnson
44 – Britt Burns
299 – Steve Trout
461 – Rich Dotson
493 – Chet Lemon
521 – Billy Almon
622 – Dennis (I Love) Lamp
714 – Jerry Koosman
748 – Marc Hill (2)
1983 Fleer
232 – Britt Burns
236 – Jerry Hairston
249 – Aurelio Rodriguez
250 – Mike Squires
1983 Topps
177 – Harold Baines
216 – Tony LaRussa
260 – Steve Kemp
362 – Bill Almon
514 – Rudy Law
618 – LaMarr Hoyt
705 – Victories Leaders – LaMarr Hoyt
1984 Fleer
51 – Harold Baines
63 – LaMarr Hoyt
1984 Topps
382 – Chris Nyman
434 – Harold Baines
459 – Kevin Hickey (2)
777 – Tom Paciorek
1985 Topps
221 – Ron Reed
364 – Rich Dotson
466 – Tony LaRussa
572 – Tom Paciorek
1986 Donruss
180 – Harold Baines
1986 Leaf
13 – Harold Baines DK
163 – Carlton Fisk
224 – Reid Nichols
234 – Tom Seaver
1986 Topps
14 – Julio Cruz (2)
64 – Floyd Bannister
123 – Greg Walker (2)
156 – White Sox Leaders
187 – Scott Fletcher
227 – Al Jones
239 – Joel Skinner
313 – Joe DeSa
346 – Bryan Little (2)
423 – Dan Spillner
447 – Jerry Don Gleaton (2)
467 – Bob James (2)
493 – Gene Nelson
531 – Tony LaRussa
552 – Marc Hill
612 – Richard Dotson (2)
637 – Rudy Law
657 – Juan Agosto (3)
719 – Carlton Fisk AS
724 – Tim Hulett
755 – Harold Baines (2)
778 – Jerry Hairston (2)
1986 Topps 1985 All-Star
9 – Carlton Fisk
1986 Topps Mini Leaders
8 – Harold Baines
1987 Donruss
429 – Harold Baines
1987 Donruss Opening Day
229 – Gary Redus
230 – Ivan Calderon
231 – Tim Hulett
232 – Carlton Fisk
233 – Greg Walker
234 – Ron Karkovice
235 – Ozzie Guillen
236 – Harold Baines
237 – Donnie Hill
238 – Rich Dotson
271 – Checklist
1987 Fleer
485 – Harold Baines
1987 Fleer Award Winner
17 – Ozzie Guillen
1987 Topps
27 – Joe Cowley
61 – Bobby Thigpen
113 – Neil Allen (2)
149 – Ray Searage
233 – Russ Morman (2)
454 – Luis Salazar
482 – Daryl Boston
511 – Steve Lyons
718 – Steve Carlton
720 – Richard Dotson
737 – Floyd Bannister
756 – Carlton Fisk (2)
772 – Harold Baines (2)
1987 Topps All-Star Glossy
14 – Harold Baines
1988 Donruss
211 – Harold Baines
1988 Fleer
391 – Harold Baines
1988 Pacific Baseball Legends
4 – Luke Appling
51 – Minnie Minoso
57 – Nellie Fox
91 – Luis Aparicio
95 – Early Wynn
1988 Topps
184 – Ivan Calderon
281 – Jerry Hairston
321 – White Sox Leaders – Harold Baines, Carlton Fisk
613 – Bobby Thigpen
739 – Daryl Boston
1989 K-Mart
22 – Harold Baines
1989 Pacific Baseball Legends
124 – Wilbur Wood
158 – Thornton Lee
171 – Hoyt Wilhelm
197 – Al Lopez
217 – Joel Horlen
1989 Topps
762 – Bobby Thigpen
1989 Upper Deck
211 – Harold Baines
More to come!
The White Sox Go Vintage

This may be unusual, but I seem to remember it happening before. My guess, since it is a 3PM Chicago start time, is that Fox was supposed to pick the game up for their Saturday afternoon baseball broadcast, but saw the last place Oakland Athletics against the second place White Sox and said no thanks.
So, it will be Ed Farmer and Darrin Jackson for me this afternoon. At least I can get some cleaning done or finally get into the pool, on a rare hot day. It sure beats flipping through the multitude of ESPN stations for an update.
Friday, August 14, 2009
New White Sox Facebook App

A few days ago, I made White Sox Players, using the Gift Creator on Facebook. The app currently has 143 different items, so there should be a lot to choose from... once everything is unlocked. The more you send, the more items get unlocked.
In addition to White Sox players, there are individuals who have shaped the Chicago White Sox directly. Who are they? You'll have to keep unlocking items to see.
I decided to mix everybody up, so whatever era of White Sox baseball you enjoy, there should be something unlocked and something waiting to be unlocked. Players past and present are represented and I will be adding new items in the future.
It's just my way of trying to share my love of White Sox baseball with the messes. If you decide to check it out, enjoy!
Card Spotlight: 8-14-09
When Harold Baines sacrificed Julio Cruz to clinch the AL West on September 17, 1983, the improbable was made possible. No one expected the White Sox to go anywhere or do anything in 1983.
In fact, no one could have foreseen those fan designed uniforms or the way that the White Sox won games that they had no business winning, hence the Winning Ugly nickname. The best example of all of this is the underwhelming trade with the Mariners, in June, that brought Julio Cruz to the White Sox.
For whatever reason, Julio became energized when he put on the White Sox uniform that year. The Sox were looking for a spark when they traded Tony Bernazard to Seattle. They certainly got it. Julio Cruz was the catalyst for the White Sox in 1983. Without that trade, I don't think that they would have climbed out of their early season funk.
The Sox didn't get into first place until July 18th. The Sox Cruzed into the postseason with a twenty game lead over the Royals. The Sox would get beat by a very good Baltimore team with a very young Cal Ripken Jr., in the playoffs.
Julio Cruz was never the same player after that magical 1983 season. He went downhill fast and was out of the majors in 1986. Still he is remembered for his great contributions to the Winning Ugly team and unlike some players, Topps granted Julio a place in their 1983 Traded set. Now, instead of just a bunch of 1983 Mariners cards of Julio Cruz, there is a Topps card to capture the moments of that wondrous season.
We All Have Strange Fans
We all have our "strange" fans that take their fanaticism to new levels.
I'm thinking that this is either a spoof video or someone really forgot when this was originally recorded. It is stated to happen in 1983, but the Ripken card used is clearly a 1984 Topps. They couldn't even spell Ripken's name right in the opening credits. Either way, it's still an odd little video. It's amazing the bizarre things you stumble across on the web.
The only thing this video managed to do was set Ripken's career on fire. Maybe Cal should thank them from Cooperstown. Truly odd and laughable.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Not So Average Trade
Why do I mention The Average Joe? Simple. A package arrived in yesterday's mail from the proprietor of that site. It is a nice break from the behemoth box that I am still sorting through from another kind and generous soul.
I a well protected package, I received a handful of White Sox cards and a few Ryne Sandberg cards that I am collecting for my friend. Some I needed, others I didn't, but all are appreciated.
Let's dig in!
1989 Bowman
62 - Carlton Fisk
72 - Harold Baines
1989 Donruss
58 - Melido Perez
1992 Score
347 - Ken Patterson
1992 Ultra
40 - Jack McDowell
1994 Topps
384 - Frank Thomas AS
1998 Collector's Choice
21 - Frank Thomas CL
62 - Jeff Abbott
2000 Upper Deck
77 - Ray Durham
Ryne Sandberg cards
1987 Topps #680
1988 Topps #10
1990 Donruss #105
1990 Donruss #692 AS
1991 Donruss #433
1991 Fleer #431
1991 Topps #7 RB
1992 Donruss #576
1992 Stadium Club #50
Autographed Surprise!!!
1992 Upper Deck
7 - Roberto Hernandez
Thank you, Joe!! That was great. Especially the Roberto Hernandez. That is the first card that I have signed by him, amazingly. I actually found a framed autographed picture of him at a Salvation Army store a few years ago for five dollars. I thought that was an great find. I think that this tops that.
Thanks also for the contributions to the Sandberg collection that I am putting together for my good friend.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Collective Troll 2: El Capitan
I don't think I had this much Ozzie when he played, so this makes up for years neglected. This collection pretty much covers his entire White Sox playing career. It's a nice retrospective.
As Radiohead's "Fake Plastic Trees" plays on shuffle through the iPod, let's list the Ozzie Guillen cards.
1986 Donruss #208
1986 Topps #254
1986 Topps All-Star Glossy #58
1987 Donruss #87
1987 Topps #89
1988 Topps #585
1990 Leaf #128
1990 Topps #365
1990 Upper Deck #267
1991 Donruss #577
1992 Leaf #149
1992 Stadium Club Dome #72
1992 Topps #210
1993 Topps Gold #474
1994 Leaf #107
1994 Score Gold Rush #93
1994 Stadium Club #389
1995 Collector’s Choice Silver Signature #494
1995 Fleer #118
1995 Leaf #117
1995 Pinnacle #107
1995 Select #185
1995 Score Gold Rush #428
1995 Studio #157
1996 Donruss #509
1996 Fleer #66
1996 Pacific #286
1996 Stadium Club #117
1996 Starting Lineup
1996 Upper Deck #41
1996 Upper Deck #206
1997 Collector’s Choice Team #CW11
1997 Score #160
1997 Ultra #39
1998 Score #62
And if I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted
All the time, all the time
Ozzie helped bring a World Series championship to Chicago. That's all I could ever want, when these cards were produced. More cards from the box later.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Trimming The Fat

It's time to trim some of the fat away. Some blogs have completely disappeared. No trace of them can be found. Others have naturally run their course. Still, others seem to have stopped for no apparent reason.
I have created a new listing underneath all the other links for the "retired and dead blogs" that have littered the link landscape on this blog. I have taken them out of the other hard link categories and I have weeded most of them out of the "long & winding roll'.
If your blog is on that retired list and shouldn't be, drop me a line stating so. If you have a baseball card related blog that is nowhere in the links, please, drop me a line and let me know about it. I'm only one person and I can't be everywhere at once, so if I've offended anyone, cut me some slack.
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