Friday, December 3, 2010

RIP Ron Santo

This is probably the only smile he had in a White Sox uniform. He was a Cubs legend and will now be up there with all the great Cubs legends. He may have not been the best radio announcer of all time, but the passion was always there. It's something that I can respect and admire. Maybe this will be the final push needed for Cooperstown.


Hackenbush said...

Yeah, the Sox kind of screwed him. I do like the red uniforms though. I'll have mixed emotions if Ron makes the HOF now that he's gone. As Meyer Wolsheim said in The Great Gatsby, "Let us learn to show friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead."

Steve Gierman said...

Very well put. Listening to Melton on the radio, he seemed to enjoy his time with the White Sox a little more than he remembered. Still, it was not the ideal situation for him.

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