The big winner is Bo! Bo answered three questions correctly and got the bonus question! Everyone did a wonderful job in this contest. I applaud each and every one of you.
Here are the list of winners.
1982 – steveisjewish
1983 – dayf
1986 – Bobble Mike
1987 – PAB
1988 – night owl
1989 – Bo
1990 – Andy
1991 – J.C.F. (to be distributed to the other winners)
1992 – Bo
1993 - motherscratcher
1994 – dayf
1995 – Thorzul
1996 – Bailey
1997 – Paul
1998 – Bo
1999 – Paul
2006 – Bobble Mike
2007 – The Gooch
Bonus - Bo
J.C.F. has agreed to donate his winnings to everyone else, so everyone will be getting a smattering of 1991 White Sox cards. J.C.F. will be getting a special package from me, later down the road.
Everyone who has won needs to e-mail me with their address and their favorite team. Please include the years that you have won, so it's easier on me. There are obviously a few winners who prefer teams other than the White Sox. So, everyone will be getting bonus cards of their favorite team. Yes, that includes White Sox fans too.
Bo will be receiving a few extra things in his package for answering the bonus question.
Packages will be sent throughout December.
Thanks for participating everyone!
Thanks a lot for having the contest and your generosity! Always a pleasure to read your blog, Mike
No problem! I'm glad to do stuff like this, when I can!
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